
What is Machine Learning? A Beginner-Friendly Guide to AI’s Core Concept

User writing on laptop referencing what is Machine Learning
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October 11, 2024

There is much to be said about Machine Learning, its uses, how it works, who can implement it, and more. As Digital Sense’s research and development are at its core, it is only reasonable for us to share what machine learning is, its applications, and relevant information for those trying to understand this technology. 

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning (ML) is one of AI’s branches that focuses on developing algorithms enabling computers to learn from data and automatically improve their performance. Rather than relying on explicit programming for each task, machine learning models identify patterns within data and apply these insights to make predictions or decisions. This approach is integral to modern applications like predictive maintenance, financial modeling, fraud detection, retail churn prediction, and customer segmentation.

Machine learning has gained momentum in the last decade due to the explosion of available data and increased computing power. This allows for the automation of complex tasks that previously required human intelligence. 

AI generated_Brain representing machine learning

How Does Machine Learning Work?

Machine learning creates algorithms that learn from data to execute tasks such as pattern recognition, classification, and prediction. These algorithms adjust their behavior based on the data they process without explicit reprogramming for each new situation. Mitchell (2015) provides an expanded discussion. 

A typical Machine Learning pipeline includes three core components:

  • Data: The raw information from which insights are drawn, ranging from structured data (like spreadsheets) to unstructured data (such as images or text).
  • Algorithms and Models: The mathematical frameworks and procedures that allow systems to find patterns in data and make decisions.
  • Training: The process where a model learns from data by adjusting internal parameters to improve its performance over time.

As Mitchell (1997) explains, machine learning models optimize their performance by adjusting themselves based on feedback from their predictions or outcomes.

Types of Machine Learning

Machine learning is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Various types of learning strategies apply to different problems and datasets:

  1. Supervised Learning: In supervised learning, models are trained on labeled datasets, meaning each input data point is paired with a correct output. For example, in predictive maintenance, labeled data indicating equipment's normal and fault functioning allows the model to predict failures.
  2. Unsupervised Learning: This approach deals with unlabeled data. The model tries to identify patterns or structures in the data without guidance. An example would be customer segmentation, where groups are formed based on behavioral patterns.
  3. Semi-Supervised Learning: A mix between supervised and unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning uses a small amount of labeled data alongside a larger pool of unlabeled data. This is often used when labeling data is expensive or time-consuming.
  4. Self-Supervised Learning: In this technique, the system generates its own supervisory signals by predicting parts of the data from other parts. For example, a model might predict missing sections of an image, enabling it to learn more efficiently. The large language models used today are trained using this paradigm. 
  5. Reinforcement Learning: The model learns by interacting with its environment and receiving feedback through rewards or penalties. It’s commonly used in applications like autonomous vehicles or robotics, where the system learns to make optimal decisions based on past outcomes.

Common Applications of Machine Learning

Machine learning is ubiquitous across industries and has proven transformative in various applications:

  • Predictive Maintenance: Used in industries such as manufacturing and energy, machine learning algorithms can predict equipment failures before they happen, saving costs and improving efficiency.
  • Financial Modeling: ML models help financial institutions in risk assessment, fraud detection, and algorithmic trading by analyzing large datasets of historical economic data.
  • Fraud Detection: In banking and e-commerce, ML algorithms can identify unusual patterns or anomalies in transactions that may indicate fraud.
  • Retail: Machine learning predicts customer churn, optimizes pricing strategies, and personalizes product recommendations based on individual behavior.

The Benefits and Limitations of Machine Learning

The main benefits of machine learning may seem generic, but that doesn’t mean they aren't true. Efficiency, accuracy, and scalability are vital to most of the projects we work on, which is why we consider these the most important. 

  1. Efficiency: Machine learning enables automation of tasks that require analyzing large volumes of data, leading to significant efficiency improvements.
  2. Accuracy: Machine learning models can often outperform traditional methods in tasks like image recognition or predictive analytics, especially as more data becomes available. In several computer vision tasks, the techniques based on deep learning pair or even outperform humans.   
  3. Scalability: Once trained, models can process vast amounts of data much faster than humans, enabling them to tackle large-scale problems.

As for the limitations, data dependency and explainability are the ones that we want to highlight and here is why:

  1. Data Dependency: Machine learning heavily depends on the availability and quality of data. Integrating human knowledge into machine learning models can reduce data requirements and improve reliability and explainability.
  2. Explainability: Many machine learning models, especially deep learning, are seen as "black boxes" where the decision-making process is difficult to interpret, making it harder for humans to trust their output.
Data wave to portray machine learning

Machine Learning vs. Artificial Intelligence: What’s the Difference?

AI and ML are often used interchangeably but represent distinct concepts within computer science. AI aims to create systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as natural language understanding, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Machine learning, however, is a subset of AI focused on developing algorithms that allow machines to learn from data and improve their performance. In essence, while all machine learning is AI, not all AI involves machine learning. For example, rule-based systems in AI do not learn from data but still perform intelligent tasks.

Conclusion: Why Machine Learning Matters

Machine learning is a rapidly evolving field in computer science and statistics. It plays a vital role in the development of AI systems. Its ability to learn from data and make decisions without human intervention makes it invaluable in fields where human expertise is insufficient or hard to articulate. Check what is AI for more information on the topic if necessary.

For companies, machine learning offers competitive advantages in predictive analytics, operational efficiency, and decision-making. Its applications span industries, making it a key technology for organizations aiming to stay ahead in a data-driven world.

At Digital Sense, we specialize in providing tailored machine learning development services for businesses across various industries. To learn more about how machine learning can benefit your company, visit our blog or schedule a consultation with our experts today.



  • Jordan, M., & Mitchell, T. (2015). Machine learning: Trends, perspectives, and prospects. Science, 349, 255 - 260.  
  • Mitchell, T. (1997). Does Machine Learning Really Work? AI Mag., 18, 11-20.  
  • Dietterich, T. (1996). Machine learning. ACM Comput. Surv., 28, 3.