Remote Sensing Services

Discover custom state-of-the-art satellite image processing for L1 pipelines and advanced models for remote sensing applications.

Remote sensing is the science and technology of obtaining information about objects or areas from a distance, typically from aircraft or satellites. At Digital Sense, we have a solid academic and industrial background in the entire remote sensing processing chain. We work from the satellite image processing pipelines that convert raw satellite data into satellite image products to the computer vision and analytics layer that extracts actionable data and insights from satellite, drone, or aerial images.

The Possibilities of [name]

Satellite Image Pipeline Development

Get experience in the algorithms that compose an L1 image processing pipeline and beyond, including dark/gray frame corrections, geolocation, orthorectification, and product composition. We can help implement your sensor's customizations to deliver consistent business value in the hyper-competitive newspace industry.

Custom Satellite Image Processing

Go beyond the requirements of a standard pipeline. Build to be tailored to your specific needs, which include super-resolution, 3D reconstruction, radiometric normalization of multi-temporal or multi-sensor series, robust image coregistration, and more.

Automated QA

We develop reliable metrics for satellite companies to automatically assess the quality of their products in different aspects such as geolocation accuracy, band alignment, SNR, and image sharpness.

Satellite Cal/Val

Ensures the accuracy, reliability, and quality of the data obtained from satellite sensors. It is critical to maintain the integrity of satellite observations and ensure that the data products are scientifically valid and useful for various applications. We are experienced with in-orbit geometric and radiometric vicarious and absolute calibrations and can help you achieve the level of quality you designed for.

Application-Level Analytics

Derive actionable data and insights from satellite and drone images. Our deep understanding of different sensors, satellite imaging pipelines, and computer vision and image processing techniques enables us to achieve the best results at the application level.

Why Hire [name]?

  • Continuous Monitoring & Efficiency
    Remote Sensing makes it possible for you to monitor any environment and space in real time. This leads to quicker detection of changes and improved resource allocation when necessary. 
  • Analysis Objectivity
    Through satellite imagery detailed quality and granularity, insights surpass immensely human observation and its data offers objective measurements, free from potential biases.
  • Accurate Decision Making
    Analysis of data across geographical regions over time enables identification of trends, prediction of future events, and ultimately, more informed decision-making with a long-term perspective.

Industries we help

Food & Beverages
Beauty & Wellness
Food & Beverages
Beauty & Wellness

Yout Path to Remote Rensing

  1. Discovery
    On the first stage of our relationship we will gather all the information necessary to understand your needs to get the results you are looking to get. We will get into the details of your project and sign an NDA if needed.
  1. R&D
    We usually carry out a small R&D phase if necessary as to provide you with the best information on how we would go through the challenge. 
  1. Team and Tools Selection
    After assessing the project, we can select a team of specialists for your solution in particular and the tools we’ll be using. 
  1. Roadmap
    We will also establish a roadmap to get to the solution and approve all expectations and final results.
  1. Agreement
    When you are comfortable with the solution and team presented, we can sign the contract to start the project. 
  1. Kick-Off
    We make it official by gathering all together and starting the project.

Dominate Remote Sensing Today

Why Digital Sense for Remote Sensing

We can start building our trust today

Top 1%

Our team includes Ph. D.s with over 20 years of experience in Satellite Imaging and Remote Sensing. They guide the technical efforts of our highly capable development teams.


Hands-on state-of-the-art academic research and industrial applications while bridging the gap between both. The most innovative and reliable industrial solutions are with us.


Patents; 8 in the USA and 2 in the EU.


Don't lose track of your business objectives. Define project priorities that keep stakeholders' and business' objectives aligned during development.

Choose a team who can do everything you need and really cares about quality.

The leaders of our team

Adrián Márques MSc, MBA
Managing Partner

Master's degree in Computer Vision and Machine Learning from Université Paris-Saclay (France), and MBA for tech companies from Universidad ORT Uruguay.

Matías Tailanian
Team Leader

Matías is an engineer with a Master’s in Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Applied Mathematics from Université Paris-Saclay, France. He has more than ten years of experience working on R&D projects.

Santiago Máximo
Sr R&D Engineer

Santiago is a Computer Engineer from Universidad de la República, Uruguay. He holds a Master's in Data Science and Machine Learning from the Universidad de la República, focusing on Natural Language Processing (NLP).


We answer all your questions.

What is the difference between Remote Sensing and Earth Observation?

Earth Observation (EO) is the broader term encompassing all methods of gathering information about Earth, including remote sensing. Remote sensing specifically refers to using technology like satellites and aerial photography to collect data from a distance.

How does remote sensing work?

Remote sensing satellites and aircraft carry sensors that detect and measure reflected or emitted radiation from Earth's surface and atmosphere. This data is then processed to extract valuable information about the planet.

What are remote sensing satellites?

Remorse sensing satellites are specialized spacecraft equipped with advanced sensors to capture detailed images and data of Earth's surface. They orbit the planet, providing consistent and comprehensive coverage.

What can remote sensing be used for?

Remote sensing has a wide range of applications. It's used in agriculture (monitoring crop health), disaster management (tracking floods and wildfires), urban planning (analyzing land use), and much more.

Are remote sensing services expensive?

Costs can vary depending on project needs, but advancements have made remote sensing more affordable. At Digital Sense, we offer competitive pricing and work with you to find a cost-effective solution custom to your needs.

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We help Satellogic develop proprietary algorithms for a micro-satellite constellation. Learn more about our solution.
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Creating better images without any interference for the French Spatial Agency. Learn more about our solution.
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Advancing France's capabilities in space science and technology with image processing and computer vision. Learn more about our solution.
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Dominate Remote Sensing Today